Subodh Sharma
4 min readJan 8, 2021



Hi everyone this vm is designed by C0ldd and hosted on Vulhnub. It is a Wordpress machine with an easy to difficulty level.
Work on virtualbox.
This works better with VirutalBox rather than VMware
You can download the vm from this link

So lets start off, first as usual we run a netdiscover -i vboxnet0

Network Scanning

So lets start off, first as usual we run a full port scan , this was what I got.

nmap -v -sV -p- -O

Here -v vervose mode , -sV version info , -p- all port scanning and -O os detection .

Here there are two ports are open


As usual , we thought that port 80 would be our way in, so we tried to enumerate it as much as possible. We visit the page…

So we Use nikto to find weak config HTTP files, and found an entry for “wordpress”

nikto -h

Here we can see some directories so i visit one and one all directories.

I go and we can find three user.

Let’s run the wpscan for enumerating all user run the command.

wpscan url -e u

wpscan result

Then i go another directories and we found login page.

wordpress login page.

Again we use wpscan for finding the c0ldd user password and the command is wpscan — url -U c0ldd -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

After a minute we successfully crack the c0ldd user password let’s login with the WordPress panel and uploading our reverse shell.

Now we log in with c0ldd user. And we enter the wordpress dashboard.

It’s time to take reverse shell from wordpress..

Go on Appearance > Editor

Then Click on “select theme to edit” and use Theme “Twenty Fifteen” then Click on select.

Now Select “404 Template (404.php).

and replace the 404.php file contain with our given payload.

URL :- “

Start the reverse shell listener on attacker machine with nc . for getting reverse shell.

We got reverse connection

Not tty are found here.

so this command will solve our problem -

Command:- python3 -c ‘import pty; pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’

Firsty we check cat /etc/passwd file to find how many user. We get only one User C0ldd/ So, we firstly go cd /home/Co0ldd . We found one txt file but not permission to open this. So i firstly search c0ldd passsword. Here Command i used cat /var/www/html/wp-config.php & we find coldd password

I try this to login c0ldd user and password is cybersecurity.

Command :- su c0ldd

We done login with Coldd and che

c0ldd@ColddBox-Easy:/var/www/html$ id
uid=1000(c0ldd) gid=1000(c0ldd) grupos=1000(c0ldd),4(adm),24(cdrom),30(dip),46(plugdev),110(lxd),115(lpadmin),116(sambashare)

Privilege Escalation

We run the Sudo -l command for checking sudo permission our current user and our user c0ldd can run three binary commands with the sudo permission. Let’s run the privilege escalation command.

So i go gtfbions and search vim to root the machine.

id root

Finally We done it.



Subodh Sharma
Subodh Sharma

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